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Mar 16

Let’s say you have a dental emergency. Do you go to the hospital or to Pearl Dental Care? Where you go for treatment will depend on the type of emergency and where the problem area is. Accidents such as jaw fractures, major lacerations to the face, trouble breathing or swallowing, or jaw dislocation require immediate […]

Feb 03

Bicycling Magazine recently published an article listing 20 easy ways to help your heart. Some of the recommendations include eating calcium rich foods, filling up on antioxidants, and treating high blood pressure. Number 8 on the list is “Go to the dentist.” The tip references a Taiwanese research study which showed that people who had their […]

Jan 30

According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, genetics may increase your chances of getting cavities and even inheriting a sweet tooth. Some patients with average to poor oral hygiene rarely if ever get cavities. Other patients with diligent home care who floss and brush regularly are often told by their dentist that they […]

Dec 30

You and your dentist have a range of options for relieving dental pain. It’s most important to determine the cause of the pain and if any treatment is necessary. This blog post will discuss medications that are available for mitigating dental pain. When choosing a pain medication you might consider: the pain intensity you have […]

Dec 07

In the past several months there has been a lot of chatter about the benefits of flossing. An Associated Press report stated that flossing does not add any benefit over brushing. Many people are confused and skeptical about what is being reported. The main point from the Associated Press report is that since there is […]

Sep 03

A survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that 74% of Americans believe an unattractive smile can hurt someone’s career opportunities. Many Americans also falsely believe that white teeth means healthy teeth. However, even white teeth can have cavities or Periodontal Disease. Before beginning a whitening regimen it is important to have an […]

Aug 31

Oral cancer, most commonly squamous cell carcinoma, is associated with a history of smoking and alcohol use. According to a new study report by Oncology Nurse Advisor, poor oral health is associated with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. As opposed to oral squamous cell carcinoma, oropharyngeal (involving the throat) is often associated with HPV. The new study […]

Aug 10

Dental sealants are one of the best ways to lower the chances of getting a cavity. Sealants are recommended for children as soon as their teeth are fully erupted into the mouth. Sealants protect the teeth from developing occlusal cavities. Occlusal means the biting surface of the tooth. By penetrating the pits and fissures (grooves) […]

Aug 03

A majority of those age 50 to 64 don’t realize that Medicare does not cover dental care. Medicare does not cover cleanings, fillings, crowns, dentures, or implants. Many retirees do not plan for the costs associated with maintaining their oral health. Only 10% of seniors have dental care when they retire. ​The last thing we […]

Jul 23

Brushing before bed is probably the most important time to brush your teeth. Brushing after daily meals is also recommended. But what happens after daytime snacks when you can’t brush? Bacteria in the mouth start consuming the sugar we eat and the acid from our soft drinks and coffee wear our teeth. Utilizing our body’s […]

Jul 23

Research from Taiwan has showed that frequent and regular dental scalings (cleanings) are associated with a decreased risk of infection after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The data analysis showed that patients who received dental scaling had a 20% lower risk for infection than patients who did not get scaling. The more frequently patients got scaling […]

Jul 23

Many people believe that getting your wisdom teeth removed is a necessary rite of passage. Is this true and why do so many people have their wisdom teeth removed? Wisdom teeth (third molars) usually erupt into the mouth between the ages of 17 and 21. They are called wisdom teeth because they come through at […]

Jun 04

The Tennesseean published an article on 12 simple ways to live a healthier life. The tips are broken down into daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. In the monthly/ twice yearly goals: “Go to the dentistPoor oral health is a major risk factor for endocarditis, or inflammation of the inner layer of the heart. Bacteria in […]

Jun 01

Pearl Dental Care is now offering a new treatment option for periodontal disease called Perio Protect. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection, which combined with an autoimmune response, destroys the tissues that hold the teeth in the mouth. Perio Protect uses custom mouth trays to apply medication below the gums. Proper use of Perio Protect […]

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