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Jul 23

Brushing before bed is probably the most important time to brush your teeth. Brushing after daily meals is also recommended. But what happens after daytime snacks when you can’t brush? Bacteria in the mouth start consuming the sugar we eat and the acid from our soft drinks and coffee wear our teeth. Utilizing our body’s […]

Jul 23

Research from Taiwan has showed that frequent and regular dental scalings (cleanings) are associated with a decreased risk of infection after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The data analysis showed that patients who received dental scaling had a 20% lower risk for infection than patients who did not get scaling. The more frequently patients got scaling […]

Jul 23

Many people believe that getting your wisdom teeth removed is a necessary rite of passage. Is this true and why do so many people have their wisdom teeth removed? Wisdom teeth (third molars) usually erupt into the mouth between the ages of 17 and 21. They are called wisdom teeth because they come through at […]

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